Our 1st VPRA Christmas Fair held last Saturday was a resounding success! The hall looked amazing with the Christmas decorations in the hall and stallholders set up ready for action at 11 a.m. WeΓ’ΒΒve had so many positive comments from stallholders and visitors to the hall about the day. A very important highlight was the arrival of Father Christmas who took up residence in his brilliant grotto and welcomed children to discuss their Christmas wishes and give them all a small present. Well done Father Christmas.
Vinters Voices braved the cold to sing Christmas songs and carols outside in the car park to entertain visitors. Some of the children joined in and it was a very happy, if cold, occasion. The teas, coffees, hot chocolate and mince pies served from the kitchen were a welcome relief from the freezing cold!
Another huge thank you must go to Residents, friends and businesses who donated prizes for our amazing raffle and tombola prizes. Your generosity is much appreciated and I would personally like to thank you all so very much for your kindness. The business donations are all local : Beaucare, Sport Care Revolution, Blue Mountain Cleaning, Revolution Hair, Chiltern Hundreds, Hair Professional, Perfect Fish Bar & The Beauty Room, I was overwhelmed by the response to our requests for prizes.
My thanks also go to the wonderful Committee who helped to make the Fair a success, you all worked your little socks off on Friday evening and Saturday, thank you.
If you would like to book a stall for next yearΓ’ΒΒs event you can do so by contacting me and all stalls booked before 31st December will be charged the same as this year, ΓΒ£15.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the residents and friends of Vinters Park for their wonderful support on Saturday and indeed over the past year at our Coffee Mornings. The funds raised go towards improvements and redecoration in the hall.
Some random photos from the day.